Understanding the epidemiology and impacts of endemic anthrax
OHRBID lead: Taya Forde
SBOHVM researchers: Antonia Hilbig, Roman Biek, Tiziana Lembo
Anthrax is a neglected zoonosis (i.e. a disease that affects both people and animals) that continues to have significant impacts for public health and livelihoods in remote livestock-dependent communities in many low- and middle-income countries. We have sought to improve our understanding of the epidemiology and impacts of Bacillus anthracis – the bacterium that causes anthrax – in an endemic setting in northern Tanzania. This involved establishing enhanced surveillance and diagnostic capacity to understand the incidence of anthrax in animals and humans, along with the diversity and transmission patterns of this bacterium. We have worked closely with local and national stakeholders to develop policy guidelines for local anthrax management. Our key collaborating institution is the Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute in Moshi.